Mercy Holistic Health Foundation (MHHF) is pursuing a bold and innovative strategy to create a
holistic approach to health and wellbeing by improving access to and quality of family healthcare
services in remote Kenya communities. MHHF will develop comprehensive health care systems
that integrates public health, health education, training, and access to basic health care services.
In Matthew 25, verses 35-40, it says, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I
was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in.”
Although the people of Kenya are thousands of miles away, they need and deserve access to
basic health care.
Meet the Team
Mercy Holistic Health Foundation’s leaders have the unique skill sets necessary to bring this
project to fruition. Pastor John Mondi is a native Kenyan with life-long relationships where he
grew up and once served as a community organizer, but also with the African-Inland Church and
key government officials. His foundation partner Randy Flechsig is a former hospital
administrator and university president with deep experience in health care system organization
and leading construction projects.